Friday, April 22, 2016

A News Release

Contact: Suzette’ Tiggs-Simms
Office: (800) 999-5555
Cell: (817) 999-0000
Let’s Talk Flex Talk
Just In Time for the Holidays
Overland Park, KS (September 7, 2015) Today Sprint Corporation, announced the release of a new member of their LG smartphone family, the G Flex 2, available October 1st, in Sprint retail stores across the country.
  Sprint’s LG G family line from the onset has always provided ground-breaking technology for its time.  The new G Flex 2 is the rebirth of the LG G Flex with its wonderful contour design, but with a sleek lean body, 5.5 inch screen, great camera, and all-day battery life.  This form fitting flex of a phone has merged style, comfort, and performance into one smart device for the modern day user.

More Public Relations - Accept or Reject a Client

       “It's no secret what's going on in baseball.  At least half the players are using steroids,” says Major League Baseball (MLB) player Ken Caminiti (Caminiti, 2015).  Ken Caminiti, deceased, was a former Houston Astro third baseman and National League Most Valuable Player, who had bouts with drug usage and addiction (Ruiz, 2004).  He was the first baseball player to go public about his steroid use (Verducci, 2014).  His cause of death (lethal combination of cocaine and opiates) ( News Service, 2004) had nothing to do with steroids; nevertheless, and as unfortunate as it is, his death was due to substances forbidden for professional athletes to participate in and/or consume.  This is why the Major League Baseball Association has taken steps to ensure compliance with the drug usage of all players because of its detrimental effects on the user and others around them, the unequal playing ground it causes for teammates and opposing team players, and the unethical stance to have a chemical enhancer to promote sports performance that ultimately wastes the sports industry’s time and money and brings about unnecessary shame and embarrassment.

How to Floss Your Teeth

Audience and Use Profile
These instructions can be used by people of all ages; however, the intended focus group here is the parent and child: to teach and show children how to properly floss teeth and gums. The adult parent has had many years of brushing their teeth, but according to Sun Valley Pediatric Dentistry, the American Dental Association states, 50.5% of Americans floss daily, 31% floss less than daily, and 18.5% do not floss at all (Sun Valley Pediatric Dentistry, 2014). A couple of reasons stated for not flossing are: Not knowing how-to and not having enough time (WebMD, 2015).  For the sake of the 50% of Americans that may not floss daily or not at all, do not know how-to, or have enough time; these instructions are presented in a clear concise format for understanding.  Once the technique is achieved, parents and children can effortlessly floss at any given time of the day or night.

Persuasion, Manipulation, and Seduction

Communication is a subject that has been study for many centuries.  The ancient Greeks took pride in becoming great orators in the world of communication.  Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and scientist, and one of the greatest intellectual figures of Western history (Amadio, 2013) study the art of rhetoric or as we know: communication.  The type of rhetoric Aristotle focused his attention was of a persuasive nature.  He theorized the best way an orator could sway his audience was by means of personal character/credibility (ethos), logic of the message (logos), and connecting through emotion (pathos) (Trenholm, 2011, p. 4).  His teachings have traveled through the centuries to be studied even today.  The world of persuasive study has opened many “cans of worms.”  It has been dissected and examined from numerous angles; however we will gaze at the differences between persuasion, manipulation, and seduction.

A War on Sexism: Women Stop the Contribution

       There is a new terminology for the people of tomorrow: the global citizen. The global citizen has emerged because of the advancement of technology. Technology, as a virus, has spread through our communities, societies; our nation's to bring about a diverse population of people like never before. The convergence of this communal environment means the global citizen has to learn how to interact effectively as well as graciously and diplomatically (interpersonal communication) with one another.  A promising way to assure this success is to deal with and turn away from any type of biases or stereotypes there may be. One prevailing prejudice our society faces is sexual objectification of women - “the experience of being treated as a body (or collection of body parts) valued predominantly for its use to (or consumption by) others" (Hill, 2010, p. 10).  During the 1990’s, a content analyses from the pass 20 years, showed “television and its advertising” had not adequately represented women and depicted them in “stereotypical ways” (Signorielli & McLeod, 1994).

Personal Identity and Global Citizenship


            As our world has become so technically advanced, it has caused various countries, nations, and people to collide and/or converge with one another on such a greater scale then every before.  A global reality has emerged - global citizenship.  With the emergence of this new citizenship and all that it entails, it is the rightful duty of our global governments, educators, mentors, parents, and so forth, to take the responsibility to educate people, especially our youth, in understanding the importance of global citizenship.
According to Dr. Vanessa Andreotti, a professor at the University of Oulu, Finland, "As we face more complexity in society, more uncertainty, more diversity, and much more inequality; so global education serves to equip people to live together in the world, addressing different dimensions of globalizing societies that were probably not so much of a priority in the past" (Studio12TV, 2012).

Mediation and Arbitration

             In today’s world of disagreements and conflicts, often time we need additional help to assist us in resolving these conflicting issues.  We need an unbiased, impartial, and objective view to oversee, and at times interject a voice of reason to help keep the goal (resolution) in focus.  Having this sort of assistance will help our conflicts transition through the delicate steps of resolution in a matter that is constructive and productive to meet agreeable decisions.  This help is presented to us today in the form of meditation and arbitration. Mediation is the attempt to settle a legal dispute through active participation of a third party (mediator) who works to find points of agreement and make those in conflict agree on a fair result.